The Block 2015 week 6 living room reveals

Supported by The Block Shop

Living room reveals on The Block last night were scathing! Dean and Shay were unable to reveal a finished room, and Suzi and Voni were confident they could win with their living room only to have it torn to shreds by the judges.

At least our old faves Luke and Ebony continued their more positive direction and took out the win! Let’s check out all the rooms…

Related article: The Block 2021: Week 8 — Living and dining rooms
Related article: The Block 2021: Week 7 — Kitchen week

Caro and Kingi

Caro and Kingi got big points for using colour in their study but this week, their choice of strong yellow sofa didn’t win over the judges, or us!

We always say it’s best to play it safe with big furniture and investment items and to use colour in your accessories and decor — it’s much easier to change cushions than it is to replace an entire sofa!

There were some winning elements in this room though like the continuation of industrial shelving from the study, styling throughout the room (love their marble trivets) and some furniture pieces like the entertainment unit.

Score: 20 / 30

Caro and Kingy living room

Andy and Whitney

It’s hard to get a feel of Andy and Whitney’s style because each week they pull something different out of the bag.

The mural in this living room is a cool addition but seems a bit at odds with what they’ve done elsewhere in the apartment and could turn many buyers away. Neale thought the living room was fresh and youthful and quite liked it but said their styling needed a lot of work. He suggested they take inspiration from the custom made coffee table and carry it throughout the rest of the room.

Shaynna loved the little nook in the corner where you could enjoy your morning coffee and Darren liked that the seating takes advantage of the view (something Caro and Kingi ignored completely).

Our favourite in this space is that timber sideboard which works beautifully with all the timber vanities they’ve had made. Overall though, this room feels a bit disjointed to us — not sure if it’s the large sofa or mix of styles but we agree with the judges that the couch in particular needs more sophisticated layering.

Score: 23 / 30

Suzi and Vonni

O-M-G what can we say? You tell us what you thought of this room!

As soon as we saw that full height wine fridge on display in the living room (almost like a piece of art) we thought ‘no, no, nooooo’.

Neale said this room is not luxe at all and verges on being tacky. Shaynna was appalled by the finishes and said she would immediately replace the wine fridge with a book case and hide away all the alcohol around the bar and style it like a sideboard instead. And don’t even get them started on that ‘fireplace’!

Darren, always in the girls corner, said 50% of the room is bang on and the room can be saved. But despite the judges’ comments Suzi and Voni say they’re still confident a buyer will love this room as much as they do and won’t change a thing before auction.

Their choice of lighter couch and textured cushions were the only elements of this room that appealed to us. Sorry.

Score: 18 / 30

Luke and Ebony

Hooray! We knew Luke and Ebony could pull off a winning room!

Sticking to a style more like their living room elimination room last season, Luke and Ebony installed a full wall of custom cabinetry including an oversized Kate McKinnon artwork on a sliding door to hide the TV. This move, along with their clever layout change to remove walls and create an open plan living/dining/kitchen space, really wowed the judges.

While their bar didn’t earn them any points, Neale loved the styling in the corner around the occasional chair and said of all the living rooms, this feels like one you could live in and enjoy.

Score: 23.5 / 30

Dean and Shay

It was all fun and games when the judges first walked into Dean and Shay’s living room, making jokes about the wall colours tying in with their choice of flowers… and then Shaynna simply said this room is a joke.

Dean and Shay decided to flip their kitchen and living rooms around to take better advantage of their views. Trouble is, the side of The Block where they needed to work this week wasn’t ready for them and this meant they couldn’t reveal a room this week. Instead, Shay put together a taste of what their living room will look like and boy do we like many of their choices — most of all that marble side table, ah-mahzing!

It’s too early to tell if this could be a winning move or be their downfall but at this stage, the judges criticised the move saying the windows in their living room are kitchen windows that completely cut out the view. We’ll have to wait until next week — kitchen week — to see if it pays off.

Score: 12 / 30

You can find our top product picks, along with loads of other fab decor and furniture, at The Block Shop.

What was your favourite room? Were you a fan of Caro and Kingi’s mustard and grey colour palette or would you prefer Luke and Ebony’s blue scheme? Keen to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Check out all the rooms on The Block



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