Whenever I share photos of my creative space or home office with the large felt board, I always get questions about where I bought it. It’s actually just a piece of acoustic board I bought from Bunnings! These pinboards look great in the home office, in the kitchen as a family planner or even in your child’s bedroom.

The other day, I installed an oversized pinboard with floating shelf in Patrick’s room and filmed the steps in case you’d like to create one for your home too.

Related article: Gina’s creative space reveal
Related article: 20 easy ideas to create a stylish home office

Items you will need:

  • Acoustic pinboard (this one is 1200mm wide x 800mm high and cost $29 from Bunnings)
  • Dressed pine plank (I used 140mm wide x 19mm thick x 1200mm long and cost around $10)
  • Slimmer piece of dressed pine (this will be the ‘face’ of your floating shelf, I used 42mm wide x 19mm thick x 1200mm long and cost $4)
  • Electric drill (I bought a RYOBI drill hammer kit)
  • L-shape brackets (I used 75mm steel angle brackets)
  • Screws
  • PVA glue for timber
  • Spirit level


1. Begin by making your floating shelf. You simply need to glue the slimmer piece of dressed pine onto the larger plank.

Use glue to adhere timber to face
Use glue to adhere timber to face
Hold the timber until dry or use clamps
Hold the timber until dry or use clamps to secure the timber

2. Screw your L-brackets on to the other side of the shelf, leaving a 9mm gap where you will be able to slot your acoustic board into (this will give you a seamless look where your pinboard runs behind the shelf).

Screw L bracket to shelf
Screw L bracket to shelf

3. Mount the shelf onto your wall. Be sure to use a spirit level to get it straight. As I was mounting the shelf myself and didn’t have a second set of hands, I loosely screwed the bracket on the left to the wall, placed the level on top, and then screwed the right bracket on to the wall before fixing all the other screws.

Screw shelf to wall
Screw shelf to wall
Use spirit level to keep it straight
Use spirit level to keep it straight

4. Wedge your pinboard in behind the shelf. You may need to wiggle it a little as it’s a snug fit.

Wedge your pinboard in place
Wedge your pinboard in place

5. Screw the top of the pinboard to the wall using a screw on each side.

Screw the top of the pinboard to the wall
Screw the top of the pinboard to the wall

And you’re done! This is such a simple DIY, I hope you enjoy it.

If you make this DIY oversized pinboard, I’d love to see photos — tag @stylecuratorau when you post photos online or email them to us at hello@stylecurator.com.au!

Check out more DIYs

Patrick working at his desk with DIY oversized pinboard
Oversized pinboard and shelf
Completed DIY oversized pinboard with floating shelf, ready to display artwork, photos and more!
Patrick's work space
Koala cleaning
Gina Beschorner
Gina is an Interior Designer and the Editor of Style Curator, an award-winning interiors blog all about helping you create a more stylish home. She is passionate about sharing her love of design, architecture, decorating and homewares. Having recently finished the build of her dream home, she's now tackling the never ending job of styling it. When she's not blogging or working with interior styling clients, you'll find her running after her 2 children or getting her hands messy in a creative project. Subscribe to our e-newsletter for weekly highlights!


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