If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen plenty of farm videos and photos in my stories over the years. My father-in-law has a beautiful farm with goats, sheep, cows and alpaca. I love to take the kids there and those happy animals always bring me so much joy so I wanted to share a piece of it with you too.
Introducing our latest FREE printable download for Style Curator subscribers — the happy goat photography artwork!
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On this day, we went out into the paddocks to feed the animals some of their favourite foods — acorns and bread. It was the first day they were happy to eat out of my hand so I pulled out my camera to capture the memory. As I snapped away, I saw just how photogenic this gorgeous Billy goat is and knew his face would become our next free printable for Style Curator subscribers.
After a bit of editing and tweaking, it’s ready for you to download and print to display in your home.
I’ve printed an A4 size for Alexander’s bedroom but you could display it in any room. You can also print it larger to make it a hero piece of art. Plus there are online services that will turn your photos into canvas artworks if you really love it!
To get your free copy, simply sign up to our e-newsletter using the form below. You’ll gain instant access to all of our downloadable content, including home cleaning planners and A1 minimalist wall calendars.
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I’d love to see how you style this happy goat photography artwork in your home. If you share a pic, be sure to tag me @stylecuratorau on Instagram so I can see or email it to hello@stylecurator.com.au!
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