The A to Z of wallpaper textures

Wallpaper has been gaining popularity on the interiors scene in recent years and why wouldn’t it when the latest wallpaper designs coming to market are so darn stylish?!

You often hear us talk about how important texture is to create a space that feels warm, layered, and luxe. Well now you can bring in a textural element using wallpaper and to prove there’s a wallpaper design out there for just about everyone, we’ve got the A to Z of wallpaper textures!

Whether you prefer industrial concrete, quirky grass, sophisticated marble or even Scandinavian wood, check out our list below!

Wallpapers via Murals Wallpaper

A – agate / abstract / animal

B – brick / birds

C – concrete / city skyline

D – driftwood / dot / denim

E – erosion

F – firewood / floral / forest / fabric / feather / fish scale

G – grass / geometric / geode

Lily Suwitra watercolour wallpaper part of the collection by RMIT textile students

H – honeycomb / herringbone

I – ivy

J – jade

K – knit

L – leather / landscape / leaf / limewash

M – marble / mountains

N – nylon

O – oak / ocean

P – pine / paisley

Collette Dinnigan paisley wallpaper for Porter’s Paints

Q – quartz

R – render / rope

S – steel / seagrass / suede / stripe / stonewash

T – tile / timber panel

U – ultrasuede

V – velvet

W – water / watercolour / woods

X – xylopal

Y – yarn

Z – zellige

Do you have more textures we can add to the list? Share them in the comments below!

Rebecca Atwood abstract artwork wallpaper


    • It’s a great design and if you click through on the name ‘Lily Suwitra’ in the caption, you’ll see more of the designs from the students including large scale floral patterns.


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