Today we chat to an artist who is all about colour, creativity and natural wonders. Inspired by the outdoors and abstract florals, Dani Heyward’s Australiana art is bursting with colour and joy.
We chat to this talented, self-taught artist about how she turned a difficult situation into glorious works of art.
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Dani is a busy working mum, a passionate recycler, and — most impressively — a self-taught artist.
“I’m a hairdresser by trade, Mum to 2 lovely daughters and wife to my hardworking tradesman husband,” Dani tells us with a smile.
“I like things neat and tidy, but I’m very good at making big messes. I love to eat… but hate to cook! And there’s also my passion for recycling! It goes beyond just sorting bins under my sink.
“I love repurposing and rejuvenating furniture. There’s great satisfaction in seeing old items made new again. You will see all the framing for my artwork is recycled timber.
“And as for my art… well, I’m pretty much a self-taught artist. If you can call watching numerous YouTube videos ‘self-taught’!”

It was during those infamous lockdowns that saw Dani turn towards art.
“When my hairdressing business faced lockdown, my income was significantly reduced. While my salon was temporarily closed, I suddenly found myself with some spare time on my hands,” Dani recalls.
“I was also volunteering for a not for profit organisation called This is Eden that helps women and girls who have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Unfortunately, this volunteering opportunity also came to a halt.
“A friend invited me to a paint and sip online event, and this reignited my passion for painting. I have always loved to paint and create, but rarely had the time to pursue any of these hobbies. Over time, 1 art piece turned into 2, turned into 10 and so on.
“I began sharing my artwork on Instagram and to my surprise, they started selling! This unexpected turn of events provided me with additional income, enabling me to continue supporting Eden through donations. I still work in collaboration with Eden today.”

Her paintings have a distinctive Australiana art feel to them.
“I am drawn to nature and the outdoors like a magnet. If I haven’t been out for a big walk or in the garden I feel like something is missing,” says Dani.
“While I walk, I take a million photos! Sometimes my walks can be very slow. You will often see me with a handful of leaves or branches walking up my street!
The time I spend in nature is very important to me. It’s time for me to switch off and connect with my creator. I use my time outdoors to be thankful and rejuvenate my mind.
“So when it comes time to sit down to paint, I am often inspired to capture this on canvas, wanting to bring some of that peace and mindfulness into my art. I do think people are connected to the earth in ways we are yet to understand.”

The vibrant colours are what first drew us to Dani’s Australiana art.
“My artistic palette frequently draws from the earth and the vibrant tones of nature,” she says.
“I am always mindful that my creations will hang in someone else’s space, so I do try to ensure my colour schemes harmonise with the surroundings.
“When I’m working on a commission piece, I will often visit the clients home and take note of their existing colour themes.”

Learning to believe in herself and recognise her immense talent is next up for this creative artist.
“When people ask me what I do, I still struggle to say, “I’m an artist!” without feeling like a fraud.
“I suppose my career goal would be to say with full confidence, “I’m an ARTIST!” and to call hairdressing my side hustle,” smiles Dani.
“Art makes up probably half of my work hours and yet I still call it a side hustle! The other half is spent in the hairdressing salon.
“In the very few years I have been selling art I’ve quickly come to realise that selling art — not creating it — is very time consuming!”
Thank you to Dani for sharing her beautiful Australiana art with us. We love the layers of nature and vibrant colour palette her pieces showcase. To see more, you can check out her art on her website or take a scroll through her Instagram page.
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