This DIY mini fire bowl tutorial was inspired by a cool decorative fire bowl / fire pit I saw in a high-end design store… with a seriously high-end price tag!
I always like a challenge of finding an affordable DIY way of making designer items and after a bit of product hunting and experimentation, I’ve come up with my own DIY version.
This DIY decorative mini fire bowl is perfect for decorating outdoor tables, while adding warmth and a crackling ambience.
Watch this short video to see just how easy it is to make!
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Items you will need:
- Ready mix concrete (or cement and sand)
- Water
- Large plastic bowl (as fire bowl mould)
- Small stainless steel bowl (to set in concrete bowl and hold stones)
- Black decorative stones
- Fire gel
- Fire lighters
- Matches
- Bucket and stirrer (to mix cement)
- Oil spray

1. Add water to your ready mix concrete or mix cement and sand following the directions on the packet until you have a ‘cake batter’ consistency.

2. Spray plastic bowl with oil to avoid sticking and pour in the wet cement, leaving at least 3cm from the top of the bowl.

3. Tap the bowl down hard several times to release air bubbles from the cement. Pop any bubbles sitting on the surface to achieve a smooth finish.
4. While the concrete is still wet, push your stainless steel bowl down into the centre and fill with your stones to keep it submerged while the concrete dries so the rim of the bowl is flush with the top of the cement.

5. Wipe away any excess cement and leave to dry for 72 hours. Do not touch the bowl at all during this time as any disturbance could cause the concrete to crack.
6. Once the bowl is fully dry (it will become a lighter colour and hard), tip it upside down and release it from the mould.
7. Fill with your black stones, fire lighters (these will help your fire to burn for longer) and pour fire gel over the top (do not overfill bowl) and light. Important: note the safety information below and be aware that this is a live open flame that needs to be treated with caution. The initial flame may appear clear so do not attempt to relight or add more gel, just wait until the orange flame sets in.

Safety information
This mini fire bowl has a live open flame so it is not suitable for indoor use, around children or pets, or in areas where there are low hanging objects.
Use caution when handling flammable products, never leave fire unattended and never burn materials in the fire bowl — it’s purely for decoration and outdoor ambience (although it does give off heat too).
If you take on this DIY, it’s important to do so in a safe and legal manner, following safety rules, and using good common sense. If you choose to make this DIY, you do so on the understanding you are responsible for any loss or harm that could arise.
Reader DIY
We love seeing when you tackle one of our DIYs in your home! Dan recently made our DIY fire pit and did a fabulous job. Thanks for sharing the photos with us!

Check out more DIYs
This DIY was first shared in June 2017 and has been updated with improved steps and images
What a great DIY project! I’m going to attempt (and rope my Mum in help me!!) to make this one for my husband for Father’s Day! Love the idea! I’ll keep you posted : )
Thanks Dan, and what a great idea for Father’s Day. Have fun!