‘Scandinavian minimalism’ is how Kate of Yorkelee Prints describes her home. Graphic-designer-turned-entrepreneur, her online store of affordable and original prints has exploded since she launched her business just over a year ago.
We chat with Kate to tour her beautiful Scandi-inspired home and find out more about the journey of Yorkelee Prints.
Related article: 13 ways to achieve a Scandinavian interior style
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It’s been a quick road to success, tell us how Yorkelee Prints came about.
“It’s been ridiculous,” she laughs.
“I started designing prints just for my boys’ rooms because I couldn’t find anything affordable that I liked. It wasn’t until my little boy’s birthday party when we had guests over that everyone commented on the prints and asked where they could get them.
“Before long I couldn’t keep up with the orders I was getting so I followed a friend’s suggestion and started an online store.”

Kate’s work features throughout her home, including her limited edition premium prints.
“Price is so important to me. Many people don’t have $150 to $500 to buy artwork for their home so I like to give people lots of affordable options. The premium range is a slightly higher price point but uses better quality paper stock and a different printing process for a higher end product.”
Making the most of what you’ve got and what you can afford is Kate’s approach to home styling.
This is our first house which we built six years ago. It wasn’t an expensive build but I’ve made the house our own by buying décor and furnishing that suits my style.
Her favourite places to shop?
“IKEA. It’s number one in terms of affordability and Scandinavian products. I also love lots of online stores like Simple Form and Design Stuff. Freedom also has great stuff at times and even Kmart and Target are coming through with the goods.”

Kate says her favourite spot in the house is in her dining area.
“I love the wall in our dining room with the mirror and hanging plant. The space fills with natural light and has such warmth to it — it also happens to be the spot in my house where I can take the best photos,” she laughs.
When it comes to designing new prints, Kate says the process is very organic.
I’m very spontaneous and will never sit down to plan a range. Usually I just have a feeling about trying something and it evolves, often starting as a painting or drawing that I’ll scan onto my computer and work on from there. Other times I might start taking photos and that forms the basis of a piece.

And on future plans?
“Although I don’t take a planned approach to designing, I do when it comes to running the business. I have clear goals about what I want to achieve and by when. At the moment I’m working on quite a few collaborations — I’ve got a cushions and homewares range about to be released and am in early talks about designing a kids clothing range.
“With my background in advertising and graphic design, I’m also looking at offering small business advice to help people market their brand and understand how to best use social media. Eventually I’d also love to add styling services to the Yorkelee brand.
“It’s exciting to see the potential of what’s possible.”
You can check out the full collection of prints on the Yorkelee website or connect on Instagram for loads of interior styling inspiration.
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