Reno Rumble week 4 bedrooms

Supported by The Block Shop

What the heck?! Just when we thought we had our heads around Reno Rumble they throw not one but two massive curveballs at us!

After the judging on Sunday night, Scotty announces the teams will be changing which saw Jess and Ayden move to the Blue team and Ben and Jess move to the Red team! AND last night they had a surprise room reveal!

So let’s check them out…

Related articles: Reno Rumble week 4 full house reveal
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Blue team

Carly and Leighton

Darren liked this clean and contemporary bedroom A LOT. He felt the flooring and use of texture was spot on and Romy loved the use of inset mirrors. Both judges felt the pendant lights were a bit off brief though — more industrial than art deco — but we thought they made a lot of good choices including the leather baskets.

Carly and Leighton

Jess and Ayden

A team swap wasn’t enough to throw Jess and Ayden off their game! Both judges had a lot of praise for this room, saying it’s functional and really well resolved. The only negative was that it was a bit light on with art deco styling.

Red team

Josh and Jenna

Tasked with creating an ‘American mid-century’ bedroom, Josh and Jenna stunned the judges with this beautiful bedroom! Can you believe they came up with the concept and executed it in A DAY?!!

We love their bravery and ability to bring some humour to the space with their clever styling choices, like that quirky kangaroo wall art.

Ben and Jemma

This couple had the tricky task of creating a ‘Boho Rock’ bedroom that wouldn’t be at odds with the rest of the house. While the judges really liked the space, they didn’t feel it nailed the brief. Romy could see the boho influence but not the rock, and Darren agreed.

Kyal and Kara

Darren joked that he’s sick of walking into a room and saying ‘wow’, he he, but with the Super Ks there’s little chance of being disappointed.

Darren loved the petrol blue and timber colour combo and the really cool styling that was right on brief — our favourite is that geometric throw!

You can find our top product picks, along with loads of other fab decor and furniture, at The Block Shop.

What was your favourite out of the Reno Rumble week 4 bedrooms? Tell us in the comments below!

Find more Reno Rumble room reveals here


  1. Shoot, I missed this episode! Looks like another great set of rooms, especially that art deco one. Do you know where that fan mirror is from?


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