Style Curator announced Best Australian Interior Blog 2016 by AMARA

Eeeep such exciting news this morning to find Style Curator won the Best Australian Interior Blog at the prestigious AMARA awards ceremony in London!

There aren’t enough words or emojis to express how excited, thankful, and a million other wonderful feelings rolled into one we feel.

It was almost 3 months ago we were nominated (by one or several of our gorgeous readers) and to make the shortlist out of the hundreds of blogs nominated was unbelievable.

From the Top 5 Best Australian Interior Blogs shortlisted, the expert judging panel consisting of members of leading organisations and established figures, selected Style Curator to take out the gong!

Style Curator best Australian Interior blog

Now that the shock has worn off and we’ve finished doing our happy dances, it’s sinking in what a massive honour this is. Thank you!

For me personally, I started Style Curator to share my love of interiors and could never have imagined this incredible journey.

This award is meaningful to me because two years ago, after just launching Style Curator, I discovered a UK interiors blogger who had won an AMARA. I recall not just feeling inspired by her gorgeous blog and the business she had created around it, I also felt a sense of surety that this is what I should be doing with my life.

To come full circle and now be an AMARA award winner, with similar incredible interior styling and brand partnership opportunities is beyond words.

We’re off to enjoy some champers tonight. Have a fabulous weekend xx



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