Supported by The Block Shop
The Block is back baby and we could not be more excited!
In a Block first, week 1 is a bathroom reveal and it saw the couples get thrown into the deep end as they struggled with unusual room shapes, finding reliable trades and meeting strict building standards.
Let’s see how they went!
Related article: The Block 2021: Week 5 — Master bathroom reveal
Related article: The Block 2020: Week 5 — Bedroom and bathroom reveal

Caro and Kingi
This Townsville couple wanted to stand out and with their custom graffiti art vinyl wrap bath, that’s just what they did!
“Wow, look at that bath,” said all three judges as they walked into Caro and Kingi’s bathroom.
His rendering skills got the tick of approval from Neale who said it was ‘a very successful bathroom’.
We loved that they kept things simple with a neutral grey colour palette so the bath could be the hero in the room.
Storage Queen, Shaynna, gave them big ticks for their storage solutions — face level storage, generous vanity drawers and even a mini recessed shelf in the sink.
The couple did get marked down for their choice of window treatment and styling (although for their first week we don’t think they did too badly and like many of their pieces including that brown glass candle).

Andy and Whitney
From zero to hero in a week! The judges couldn’t believe this was the same couple that delivered that disastrous challenge room!
These guys got big points for their great use of space, custom vanity and excellent lighting plan. (If you need help with lighting, check out our ‘How to design a lighting plan‘ article with tips from a lighting expert.)
When looking for faults the judges did spot some patchy paintwork and Neale felt the pendant in the corner was a bit small (we personally love that pendant and think a cluster of these would have worked better).

Suzi and Vonni
These ladies certainly love their bling and it’s hard to believe this is their version of a restrained bathroom!
The strip lighting and 3D mosaic tiles had the judges feeling the bathroom was ‘a bit casino’ and ‘a bit night club too’, he he.
While this isn’t our style of bathroom, we do commend these ladies for staying true to their style and offering something different to The Block. We were however impressed by that marble bench seat in the shower and some of their styling choices (that mandarin, basil and lime handwash has made it onto our shopping list).
The judges loved their choice of feature tile and had lots of positive things to say about this bathroom. The only criticisms were about the unnecessary pendant between the vanities, lack of storage solutions and lack of privacy while showering (the window is a great idea but not great ‘at keeping your privates, private’ as Darren put it 🙂 ).

Luke and Ebony
Oh man, we were laughing out loud as they replayed footage of their botched bathroom attempt last season — that mean little vanity and sink with crane-like tapware was just too funny! It was great to see them pull off a finished bathroom this time around.
While we loved that Ebony played to her strength of using colour (how fab does that blue subway feature wall look?!), we spotted that chrome bath spout with clashing black tapware a mile away. It was these sorts of inconsistencies that the judges noticed too and saw them finish in last place.
On the plus side though, the judges did love their layout with bath next to the window, the light and bright feel of the room, and many of their choices (just not all together). And with Ebony’s interior styling background, this was one of the few bathrooms where we didn’t hear the judges say the styling needed work (we especially loved the window styling with indoor plant and candle).

Dean and Shay
Saving the best to last! This bathroom may have cost the couple nearly 1/3 of their total budget at $40,000 but weren’t the results worth it?!
Our hearts skipped a beat when we saw that ah-mahzing new black and brass tapware! And, like Darren, we lost our minds when we saw it all come together in the space.
The judges had a long list of winning features to tick off — underfloor heating, heated towel rail, in-built sound system, automated window treatment, generous storage, great sink choices… it just kept going!
And when looking for faults? None. Except on second glance when Neale thought a different pendant choice would have been better — not because he didn’t like it, just that it’s been seen on The Block before. #winnersaregrinners

You can find our top product picks, along with loads of other fab decor and furniture, at The Block Shop.

What did you think of The Block 2015 week 1 bathroom reveals? Tell us your favourite (or least favourite) features in the comments below!
Do you know what is the brand/type of blinds Dean and Shay have in their bathroom?
Hi Steph,
Wasn’t that blind hot?! It’s called ‘Motorised Shade Sheer Roller Blinds in Eclipse Anthracite’ from Carpet Court and you can find your nearest store here 🙂
I think they all did a great job for week one!
I was so disappointed at Luke and Ebony’s bathroom though (I had high expectations). I agree the tile colour is gorgeous but I’m not a fan of the wall dividing the shower and toilet (awkward looking) and agreed with the judges other comments. Dean & Shay smashed the layout although I’m not super enamoured by their room (what am I missing?!). I actually liked Andy and Whitney’s more. Perhaps it would have looked better with a different floor and shower wall tile? The dark grey seemed a bit overpowering. One of the things I liked about all of the rooms is they didn’t do ‘wet rooms’. I’ve never understood how people keep the floor around the bath clean and mould-free with shower water splashing everywhere. I also liked Suzi & Vonni’s partially frosted glass and shower window! All in all a solid start to this season! 🙂
It’s got me pulling out the sketch pad for my bathroom layouts again!
Oh no Jane, step away from the sketch pad! He he, The Block certainly can have this dangerous effect on us… only trouble is when we build we can’t win a challenge each week and get an extra 10K in the bank 😉
We didn’t want to say it but we were a little disappointed with Luke and Ebony’s bathroom too. They were our hot favourites last season and we thought for sure they’d come with a winning bathroom design given how they left last season. Fingers crossed they find their feet and their apartment comes together beautifully!
Hehe, so true! What do you think your winning room would be?
Do you mean at Gina’s house? Her new kitchen for sure!