Hoppy Easter: Guide to the ultimate Easter egg hunt

Supported by Big W

As a child, is there anything more magical or exciting than going on an Easter egg hunt?! I still vividly remember the sense of adventure and fun I had on Easter egg hunts as a child and I couldn’t wait to create similar memories for my son.

Here is my guide to the ultimate Easter egg hunt!

1. Create an exciting starting point

Build anticipation with a starting point that let’s children know something fun is about to happen.

I used a cluster of helium balloons, Easter bunting along the fence, and ready-made Easter egg hunt signs, which can all be found at Big W.

Easter egg hunt starting point

Start here

Happy Easter sign on fence

2. Easter bags or baskets

Of course, your little ones will need something to put their Easter hunt haul in.

A simple straw basket is always a good option but as Patrick is only young, I was concerned he may tip all his eggs out, which is why I opted for deeper plush baskets and Easter bags. Both of these worked well as they were light enough for the children to carry but deep enough that things didn’t tip out. I also put some shredded tissue paper in the baskets to create a cushion base and protect those treasured Easter eggs.

Holding Easter basket

Easter basket

Easter bag

3. Easter eggs and bunnies hidden throughout

Throughout the garden, I hid a selection of Easter eggs and bunnies for the children to find.

Some eggs were hidden well, such as underneath bushes, whereas others were in plain sight as this is the first Easter hunt for many of the children. As the hunt went on, even the youngest children became very good at finding the eggs!

Easter egg hunt

Big chocolate Easter egg

Easter bunny

Finding Easter eggs

4. Lead the way

To help little ones get started on the Easter hunt, you could give them some clues. I attached helium balloons at waist height to some of the eggs and bunnies so they were at eyelevel for smaller children and would guide them.

For older children, little signs like ‘This way’ and ‘Hop to it’ help point them in the right direction.

Balloons at waist height

Lead the way

5. Create a sense of magic

Little details like bunny foot prints drawn in chalk or Easter confetti sprinkled along the path can create a sense of unforgettable magic.


Bunny foot prints

6. Ultimate jackpot

At the end of the hunt, I like to create a big jackpot, which could include toys, books, and larger chocolates too.

Because Patrick is only young, one mini egg is more than enough for him. The jackpot of toys and books is a nice distraction while I took his chocolate haul away (he can enjoy these in moderation throughout the year) and he just loves this giant soft plush bunny.

Do you have other tips to create a magical Easter hunt? Share them in the comments below!

Photography: Shelley Mills Photography


Eating chocolate


Koala cleaning
Gina Beschorner
Gina is an Interior Designer and the Editor of Style Curator, an award-winning interiors blog all about helping you create a more stylish home. She is passionate about sharing her love of design, architecture, decorating and homewares. Having recently finished the build of her dream home, she's now tackling the never ending job of styling it. When she's not blogging or working with interior styling clients, you'll find her running after her 2 children or getting her hands messy in a creative project. Subscribe to our e-newsletter for weekly highlights!


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