Reno Rumble week 1 full house reveals

Holy heck! This new Reno Rumble TV show is just too much!

We were on the edge of our seats tonight as they unveiled the Reno Rumble week 1 full house reveals. And we NEVER could have imagined those shock results! Absolutely gutted our fave couple Michael and Carlene got sent home tonight 🙁

So how on earth did the Blue team catch up to the Red team with a 9 point lead mid week? Let’s check it out…

Related article: The Block 2021: Week 2 — Guest ensuite reveal
Related article: The Block 2020: Week 2 — Guest ensuite reveal

Blue team

Remember this week this team’s brief is contemporary coastal. During the week the bedrooms were revealed and two couples nailed the brief. The other two fell short, seeing the team finish on 61 out of 80. You can see those bedrooms here.

Michelle and Steve

Michelle’s own home is styled in contemporary coastal so this was an easy brief for her. Their living room impressed the judges and saw them score 18 out of 20! We love the timber shelves, raked ceiling and warmth in their living room.

Reno Rumble Week 1 Full House Reveal

Chris and Nick

These boys only scored 15 1/2 for their kitchen and sitting area but we were certainly impressed with their space! The matt grey kitchen benchtop, tempered mirror splashback, and statement fireplace were just some of the highlights for us.

Ben and Jemma

Talk about stepping it up! Ben and Jemma were criticised for not hitting the brief in their guest bedroom. We also disagreed with this judging but it left them tied in last place. Tonight they delivered the most beautiful coastal dining area, gaining them a score of 17 1/2 out of 20!

Carly and Leighton

After all their chandelier drama during the week, Carly stuck with her guns and used the black Haus beaded chandelier and got big ticks from the judges for it. Free standing bath on an angle under the window and generous shower also impressed the judges, seeing them score 17 out of 20.

All up this week the Blue team finished on 129 out of 160 and all four couples were safe from elimination!

Red team

Team captains Josh and Jenna did a great job of setting the direction of the house this week. All couples worked well together to renovate the house in the ‘contemporary classic’ design style and mid week this team scored 70 out of 80, 9 points ahead of the Blue team.

Josh and Jenna

This living room blew the judges away! The integrated TV, luxe furniture and decor, and spacious room layout saw them get a near perfect score of 19 out of 20. We especially loved their colour palette and choice of artwork.

Jess and Ayden

Feeling super confident with their kitchen this week, Jess and Ayden were shocked when the judges said they were being ‘greedy’ with the space. The kitchen was so large, it left little space for Kyal and Kara’s dining room which the judges called a fail. In terms of kitchens though, this one is pretty stunning and we especially loved the bifold window, matt black hardware and cabinet colour.

Kyal and Kara

This team were thanking their lucky stars they had immunity. The comments this week were harsh. Darren said it was the meanest dining table he’s ever seen in a house this size, and the longer he sat in the dining area the worse it got. It’s not the most practical table for a family of four, however it is a beautiful space and meets the brief of ‘contemporary classic’.

Michael and Carlene

Excuse us while we wipe away our tears! Cannot believe our fave couple already got sent home 🙁 Faced with a tricky space, they delivered a beautiful bathroom that felt light and airy. The judges immediately loved those geometric floor tiles but felt the vanity should have been larger and the basin could have been under-mount to maximise bench space. Lots of people shared our heartache on Twitter about the shock exit of these two!

What did you think about the Reno Rumble week 1 full house reveals? Tell us in the comments below!

Find more Reno Rumble reveals here


  1. Found this post while searching for the perfect shelves. Does anyone know where the natural wood floating shelves are from or what they’re affixed to the wall with?

    • Hey Shanno

      That tapware is from E & S Trading and you can check out their website here

      The sink mixer is called ‘Armando Vicario Tinkd-b Pull-Out Kitchen Mixer Black’.

      Some other brands that do black tapware are Astra Walker and Abbey. Hope this helps 🙂

  2. I agree with the comments above. M&C do amazing stuff, was a shame we didn’t get to see more of them. The scoring doesn’t really match the judges comments I find. I also wish they would focus more on finishes – we shouldn’t be making allowances for the blue team because they didn’t have to sell their homes on their show, the quality should still be a focus.
    Anyway, love the new show, format needs a little work but it’s a welcome change from the long drawn out series and drama that the block has become.

    • Hi Sarah

      Such a shame M&C got sent home! They’re so lovely and talented, we were really excited to see more of them. Agree the judges comments and scores didn’t quite match but at least M&C took it well and have a positive attitude about the experience. Let’s hope they crack down on finishes soon so the best rooms (design, finishes and styling) win 🙂
      The only thing we’re not loving about Reno Rumble is that if feels a bit Americanised with the matching jackets, trucks etc If they dropped that side of things we’d be even bigger fans. What do you think needs tweaking?

  3. Hi yes I’m a bit devo’ed too. I know it’s ridiculous but I was hoping RR would show Michael and Carlene the love, and at the least keep the most interesting interior designer around for a while.

    How does Nick and Chris’s dodgy bedroom featuring a stack of dumbbells as its ‘hero piece’ (TM Neil Whittaker) and a cramped lounge of retro pieces beat that amazing cool bedroom and solid bathroom delivered by M and C?

    • Couldn’t have put it better ourselves, Julia! We were so keen to see what Michael and Carlene would do this season and definitely don’t think they deserved to go home last night 🙁


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