Step inside Max Humphrey’s Los Angeles apartment

Los Angeles-based designer, Max Humphrey, has a serious eye for detail so we were thrilled when he agreed to let us share his apartment with you.

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Step inside Max Humphrey's apartment

Max took an unlikely path into the design industry.

“I played bass in a punk band and I realised toward the end of one of our tours that I really missed having my own living space, so when we stopped touring for good I got an apartment and just started decorating. A few months later it hit me that interior design was my next career move. That was 9 years this summer!” says Max.

His home is a wonderful collection of furniture and décor he has curated and he describes his style as “A little bit country club, a little bit rock and roll.”

Amongst it all, what’s your most prized position?

“My dog-eared books. Every thing else is replaceable.”

Max uses his art of finding the right mix of colour, shape and texture to layer each room in his home, creating spaces that have depth and richness.

The dining room is my favorite space. It’s where I keep my record player and vinyl and there’s just a mish mash of art and accessories that make me happy.

“In the morning there are these birds that land on the window sills and squawk at me.”

What design trend are you loving right now?

“I’m loving house plants instead of, or mixed in with, cut flowers around the house,” says Max.

You may like to check out this article on trending plants right now.

“There are all kinds of cool vessels from organic pottery to rattan baskets and plants look great just about anywhere — on bookshelves, on the floor, or on the dining table.

“I like simply dropping something from the local greenhouse into a vintage bowl on the coffee table.”

What are your top 5 tips for a beautiful home?

“Stop shoving all your furniture against the walls. ‘Floating’ pieces in the room will give it a more designer look.

“Don’t be afraid to use old with new, cheap with expensive, high with low. It’s all about the mix.”

“Don’t ignore your walls. There’s tons of great stuff out there, from fine art to vintage posters. There’s something for everyone at every price point.”

Gallery wall inspiration in Max Humphrey’s apartment

“Invest in a cleaning service, even once a month. It’s a small price to pay for a big return.

“DIY is great but know when to hire a professional. Most people shouldn’t try and paint their own houses but they do. Spending the money will save you in the long run and it will be done right and look better.”

If you’d like to check out some of Max’s design work, check out his website or you can connect with Max on Instagram.

Check out more home tours

Photography by Sarah Dorio via Lonny

Max Humphrey’s apartment has loads of gallery wall inspo


  1. It was fantastic sneaking a peek inside Max’s place! He has excellent style. I’m inspired by the cute pot plants, tastefully placed in ornamental bowls. His eclectic blend looks fun and achievable.

    • Totally agree! He has managed to blend homeliness with designer edge to create such a warm space. Hopefully we can get him back to our blog soon 🙂


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