The Block Triple Threat: Week 9 entry and staircase

Holy moly, talk about a hellish week for all the couples! Known as the most difficult week of The Block, all couples had to deliver an entry and staircase… yet only one couple managed to complete the challenge.

In the lowest scoring Block rooms EVER, there are some highs and some very low lows so let’s get into it!

Related article: The Block Triple Threat: Week 10 outdoor terraces
Related article: The Block 2015 week 1 bathroom reveals

Jess and Ayden

A second win in a row and their first ever 10/10 score! Jess and Ayden lifted the bar this week to deliver an architectural open-tread staircase that was simply jaw dropping. And their cluster of pendant lights literally brought the judges to their knees.

Scoring 29 out of 30 (less one point so a final score of 28), these guys were grinning from ear to ear as the judges’ comments were read out. “Stunning”, “balance is perfect” and “ties everything together” were just some of the things they had to say.

Jess and Ayden said they didn’t want to win this week for being the only ones to finish — it’s safe to say with that feature staircase, they would have won regardless.

Jess and Ayden study
Open tread stairs
Jess and Ayden pendant light
Jess and Ayden pendant lights
Jess and Ayden retreat

Josh and Charlotte

These guys came so close to finishing! It was sad to see them just fall short.

What they delivered was true to style and beautifully put together. Despite the pressure of the stressful week, Charlotte did a great job of styling the spaces. We especially loved their open and light study, a generous size for a professional couple and an inviting space we wouldn’t mind working in at all 😉

Can’t wait to see what it looks like once all the painting is finished and the final touches are added.

Josh and Charlotte desk styling
Josh and Charlotte styling
Josh and Charlotte staircase
Josh and Charlotte study

Darren and Dea

So much promise yet sooooo incomplete.

We’re waiting eagerly to see Dea and Daz finish these spaces because everything we saw this week, we liked.

Geometric tiles at the entry are so on trend (just like the Greg Natale range we recently introduced you to) and will make an instant statement. All the artwork and photography was stunning and we loved how each level had a different theme — the pair of horse artworks at entry, colourful abstract art at the next level, and black and white photography on the top floor.

And those pendant lights! Although hung a bit too low, they got a big tick from us!

Darren and Dea entry
Darren and dea study
Darren and Dea pendants
Darren and Dea artwork

In case you missed the episode, Tim and Anastasia didn’t really deliver anything this week… other than two TVs so we don’t have any photos to show you. And it looks like they’ll be walking off The Block this week and flying home so TBC if they will ever finish their spaces!

What did you think of the rooms this week? Was it fair to expect the couples to do so much in such a short time? Tell us in the comments below!

Check out all the rooms on The Block Triple Threat

Gina Beschorner Style Curator

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    1. I have really enjoyed your unbiased view on the rooms in the reveals each week. I love J and A stairs I actually have very similar ones myself. I find though my small dogs wont go up and down the stairs and also my elderly Aunt also refuses to do so.

      • Thanks so much Gillian! Lucky you having stairs like that in your home!! We’re not sure Arnie would go up stairs like that either though 😉 What are your thoughts about the auction?? Do you think T&A will be there? Who do you think will win?

    2. Hello there. Love your Block posts.
      Any chance you know where the bookcase from Jess and Ayden’s apartment is from? Thanks for your help.

      • Hi Kim

        Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂 The bookcase in Jess and Ayden’s apartment this week was custom made by Sabrina Shopfitting. Hope this info helps!

    3. Hi, do you know what the shop Dea went into looking for a coffee table in tonight’s episode (tues)? they had beautiful petrified wood furniture? thanks, Sarah

      • Hi Sarah, we missed tonight’s episode but will watch it online when it’s available tomorrow. Hopefully then we can let you know where Dea was shopping… in the meantime, if anyone knows, please share 🙂

        • Hey Sarah, we just watched the show and the signage says ‘The Kitchen’… matching that with Google images we found the shop is Weylandts 🙂 Happy shopping!


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