Baby Style Curator #2, Meet Alexander

You may have noticed things have been a little quieter on the blog this week — we’ve all been too busy enjoying newborn snuggles!

Last Sunday, I had my second baby in a relatively fast and natural water birth. When he was born and I was told ‘It’s a boy!’ I responded in total shock with ‘What?!!’.

Those of you who have been following the blog during my pregnancy would know I was certain I was carrying a girl. I even took the liberty of starting early on creating a girly nursery, complete with floral B for her name, and a wardrobe full of pink clothing, ha ha.

Well, safe to say you cannot trust the old wives tales about the shape of your belly, food cravings or hunches. Of the hundred or so people who guessed the gender of bub while I was pregnant, only 1 ever said boy.

After overcoming my initial shock, I couldn’t be more smitten with this perfect little bundle.

Having no boy names picked out, he was nameless for the first few hours but we decided on Alexander Joseph or ‘AJ’.

Stay tuned as I change things around in his nursery in the coming weeks. And you can expect our regular dose of interiors content to resume from next week too.

Much love, GC x

Alexander 2 days old
Alexander 2 days old
A snippet of the nursery I created for our ‘girl’, haha
Gina Beschorner
Gina is an Interior Designer and the Editor of Style Curator, an award-winning interiors blog all about helping you create a more stylish home. She is passionate about sharing her love of design, architecture, decorating and homewares. Having recently finished the build of her dream home, she's now tackling the never ending job of styling it. When she's not blogging or working with interior styling clients, you'll find her running after her 2 children or getting her hands messy in a creative project. Subscribe to our e-newsletter for weekly highlights!


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