The Block 2015 week 4 bedroom and ensuite reveals

Supported by The Block Shop

The final bedrooms on The Block 2015 were revealed tonight — what did you think of the rooms?

There were some bold finishes and strong colour choices in emerald greens and burnt orange.

While all couples lifted their game this week, there can only be one winner so let’s see how they went.

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Caro and Kingi

After weeks of coming second place, it was great to see Caro and Kingi get a win this week with a score of 28.5 out of 30.

They stuck to their scan-dustrial theme and got big points for their luxurious finishes.

The soaked oxide rendered wall was described as ‘very, very cool’ and Neale said everything in the room gels and goes together.

In the first week Caro was criticised for her styling but this week all judges were impressed with her choice of ‘knick-knacks’ and bedding, including that leather frill cushion, to complete the rooms.

The ensuite was also a winner with simple palette, perfect styling and spacious layout.

Andy and Whitney

Kudos to Andy and Whitney for finishing their rooms this week.

While they took a risk with their bold ginger coloured feature wall, Neale said he feels like he’s seen this room 100 times before and that nothing in the room excites him.

Darren liked the 80s colour palette saying it’s very fashionable right now and the only reason the room works is because the orange wall is softened with the pastel colours on the bed (loving that Cushionopoly cushion) but Shaynna said it would appeal to someone in their 20s and that’s not their buyer.

The judges were impressed with the ensuite, loving the beautiful custom vanity and consistency with other bathrooms.

They finished in 4th place on 23.5 points.

Suzi and Vonni

Suzi and Vonni delivered their signature more is more style in their bedroom and ensuite. They stuck to their guns and opted for another glass feature wall in their bedroom this week.

Neale said he occasionally likes to be proven wrong and this was one of those occasions. Unlike the Autumn glass feature wall, he didn’t feel backed into a corner with this one and actually quite liked it.

All the judges said this room is beautifully designed and executed, and has a sense of luxury. What did you think of those tall black pendant lights?

Most of all they were impressed that this couple are delivering rooms unlike anything we’ve seen on The Block before.

Finishing just half a point behind Caro and Kingi, they scored second place with 28 out of 30.

Luke and Ebony

As much as we want this couple to win, they just haven’t found their groove yet with this apartment. We hope the game turns around for them soon.

Darren hated the bedhead saying it created a sense of trauma, not drama. Ouch!

For us the headboard was too dominant in this room and it would have been better if left lower as Luke originally mounted it.

The cabinetry was a real winner for us though and it was great to see them opt for darker timber this week. We also liked the pop of greenery in those wall planters by the window.

They finished in last place again with just 20.5 out of 30.

Dean and Shay

Taking a big risk this week, Dean and Shay installed a concrete feature wall with brass hardware.

‘Oh wow, that’s cool’ said one judge and all of them felt the room was really different.

Neale said he would have softened the lighting and opted for table lamps instead of hanging pendants, and Shaynna would have changed the bed feet to simple black as the chrome is too eye catching.

Their ensuite was ah-mahzing!! And we loved how they carried the concrete through to this space with that stunning concrete basin and tapware by Wood Melbourne (we featured these guys last year when they first launched this concrete range and you can read that article here).

This couple were hoping to regain their place on top of the leaderboard but instead finished in third place with a score of 26.5 points.

Of all the bedroom and ensuite reveals, we loved this materials palette

You can find our top product picks, along with loads of other fab decor and furniture, at The Block Shop.

Do you think Caro and Kingi had the best bedroom and ensuite this week? What design moments did you love or loathe? Chat with us in the comments below!

Check out all the rooms on The Block


  1. Well what a mixed bag. I actually didn’t love any of these rooms but some were worse than others.

    The ‘hot ginger’ wall with the pastel bedding was the worst. It looked terrible and I’m not sure even a coat of paint could improve it.

    The winning room was the most tasteful but the dark rendered wall made it look depressing and uninviting.

    I just don’t get the girls’ style at all. It’s very dark and goth like and so polarising. That glass wall will date in a hot minute and won’t be cheap to update.

    The art deco room was tragic. The colour, the bedhead, the tiles uughhhh. That bedhead could have looked better lower, light colour on the walls and nicer bed bedside tables. I think it best if I stop there.

    And Shay and Dean’s room had promise but I was not a fan of the green and what were they thinking with one tiny hanging rail!

    I hope the whole lot of them snap out of it before the next reveal.

    • Ha ha, don’t hold back Kirsten!
      To be honest that ‘hot ginger’ wall really didn’t do anything for us and we couldn’t quite see the stroke of genius Darren was referring to. For us, bedrooms should be a sanctuary and retreat, and this bedroom doesn’t give off that feeling at all!
      We’re happy Caro and Kingi won because of their great attitude and having come 2nd 3 weeks in a row but if we had to pick a room for ourselves, it would be Dean and Shay’s (we’d just paint over that emerald colour to one a bit softer).
      Yeah, we feel we can’t comment too harshly on Ebony and Luke’s rooms because we love them from last season… we’re just not loving the rooms they’re pulling out of the bag. There’s still hope though that they’ll bowl it out of the park 😉
      We can’t wait for kitchen, living and dining room reveals, oh and the outdoor terraces are always a fav of ours too!!


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