The organic strokes and geometric shapes from abstract artist, Prudence DeMarchi

It’s not often you can say beautiful things happen in the laundry. But this is exactly where abstract artist, Prudence DeMarchi makes all her magic come alive.

Artist, teacher, wife, mother… there are so many aspects to this talented painter. So we sat down with Prudence to learn more about them all.

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Artist Prudence DeMarchi
Artist Prudence DeMarchi
Elaborations by Prudence DeMarchi

Paints resting atop the washing machine, artworks drying in the doorway… Prudence shows that art can happen in even the smallest of spaces.

“I live in Newcastle, NSW with my husband and 2 kids, Annabelle and Hudson. When I get the time — in between nappy changes, Mum life and all the other busyness that life brings — I paint.

“I paint in my laundry! It doesn’t have a door and is just a 2m x 2m space. It’s confined and a little chaotic, but as long as I have my music I don’t really mind.

“I work with acrylics because with no door, I can’t risk my little ones being around turps and messy oils!” smiles Prudence.

Prudence DeMarchi
Image by Andreas Proesser

Always a lover of art, Prudence’s career saw her enter the classroom, with painting as a side hustle.

“I studied to be an Art Teacher a million years ago and ended up teaching students with special needs for over a decade.

“To be honest, I found I slowly lost touch with painting and being creative until I was on maternity leave with my first bub.

“Suddenly, I had some time on my hands and began to paint again,” recalls Prudence.

“I just kept painting and our spare bedroom began to fill up, so I took a chance and applied to sell my paintings through the Olive Tree Market in Newcastle.

“Every month I got busier and busier and made more connections. It really evolved from there and hasn’t slowed down yet!”

Prudence DeMarchi artwork above bed
Artwork by Prudence DeMarchi | Styling by Frank and Sonder

Not set on one style of painting, Prudence finds inspiration in the colour palette of everyday life.

“I find my inspiration EVERYWHERE!” she smiles.

“My focus is really about colour. I love the way colours change and blend when put side-by-side. I see colour and compositions in fashion, architecture and nature.

The natural world is so perfect, yet imperfect at the same time and I love that.

“When I walk around my neighbourhood with my kids, it’s all so wonderful. Anything that catches my eye, I sneak a photo or screenshot to save in my phone for future inspiration.”

Prudence DeMarchi art in dining room
Artwork by Prudence DeMarchi | Styling by Frank and Sonder
The Road to Nowhere by Prudence DeMarchi

Showcasing a range of works with much diversity between paintings, Prudence says her mood dictates which way her art flows.

“Painting is my happy place. I only paint when my kids are napping during the day but if I’m really busy, I’ll paint early morning or at night. No later than 8.30pm though, that’s as late as it gets for me!” Prudence laughs.

“When I’m painting and the babies are asleep, I’m relaxed. I listen to my daggy old music, zone out and just paint for a while. Heaven!

“After I’ve painted a controlled or detailed floral painting, I feel the need to bust out and do something abstract, energetic and fun.

“I wear my emotions on my sleeve and I think you can tell when you look at my paintings what kind of mood I’m portraying!

I don’t have a defined painting style, I just paint what I feel like that day. It depends on my mood, how much sleep I’ve had and what music I’m listening to.

Prudence DeMarchi artwork in living room
Art by Prudence DeMarchi | Styling by Frank and Sonder
Lush by Prudence DeMarchi

There are big and beautiful things on the horizon for talented artist, Prudence DeMarchi.

“In ‘real life’ I’m an Assistant Principal at a school for students with complex disabilities. I’ve loved this job for 12 years, but being on maternity leave, the past 18 months has really changed me,” says Prudence.

“Expanding our family and starting my art business have both made me so happy — I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

“I’m booked in for 2 exhibitions later this year which are currently in the planning stages. It’s a bit crazy and is making my head spin, but in a giddy, exciting way!

“I’ve also collaborated with a few businesses over the past few months which has been amazing. My art will soon be seen on fashion, swimwear and even alcohol bottles!

I’m honestly just happy creating and doing my thing. I like to take chances and say YES as much as possible. If I’m not challenged, I get bored.

We love delving into the art world and meeting so many talented makers such as Prudence DeMarchi. To see more of Prudence’s gorgeous art, check out her Instagram page, or visit her website.

Prudence DeMarchi and baby
Painting with her adorable little sidekick, Hudson
Put it over there by Prudence DeMarchi
Sporadic collection by Prudence DeMarchi
Blue floral by Prudence DeMarchi
Prudence DeMarchi artwork in bedroom
Art by Prudence DeMarchi | Styling by Frank and Sonder

Gina Beschorner Style Curator

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