How to transform to a cool home using energy efficient methods in the warm season

Supported by Simply Energy

The warm season is our favourite time of year. But for your home, summer means air conditioning that is on for hours, constant wash cycles of swimwear and beach towels, and more overall energy use, which leads to higher bills. But with some preparation, you can minimise your home’s energy consumption and cut down on your monthly usage. With Simply Energy, one of Australia’s leading energy providers, we look at some useful tips to transfer your home into a cool oasis this summer while saving on energy usage.

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1. Raise the temperature on your thermostat

Though it might feel good to have your air conditioning working at full speed in summer, it can lead to extremely high utility bills. The less difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your cooling bills will be. On that note, installing an efficient air conditioning system that cycles according to outdoor temperature can also make all the difference to your energy bills. And don’t forget to turn the air conditioner off altogether when you leave the house. You could also consider investing in a smart thermostat to help regulate your home’s temperatures throughout the day.

Dining space
Image supplied by Simply Energy

2. Check your ceiling fan

Using a ceiling fan while you are in a room can make the temperature a lot more bearable without having to switch on the air conditioning. But do make sure that you check your ceiling fan’s blade rotation. In the summer, ceiling fans should rotate counter-clockwise to push cool air down to the floor. The cool air evaporates perspiration and creates a wind chill effect, which makes you feel cooler.

3. Use your microwave

Using your cooker and/or oven can raise your kitchen’s temperature by several degrees. By heating food in your microwave, you’ll minimise heat in your kitchen and save energy in the process; microwaves use less energy than an oven and also produce less heat than other kitchen appliances. If you don’t fancy the idea of using the microwave, there is always the barbecue — cook your dinner outdoors and keep your home cool!

Using window treatments is an energy efficient cooling method. Image supplied by Simply Energy

4. Keep the sun out

Sun streaming through your windows may look lovely but it can heat up your home and cause your energy bills to rise. Draw curtains and blinds during the hottest parts of the day (between 12pm and 4pm), especially if your windows are facing west. Not only will it prevent your home from heating up, it will also help protect your floors, furnishings and fabrics against fading.

5. Clean your air filters

Quite a few appliances in your home will have air filters. Think of air conditioning units, washing machines, dryers, even fridges and freezers often have them at the bottom of the door or behind the unit. These filters are prone to clogging up with dirt, dust and lint, which means the motors in your appliances have to work much harder to do their job, which in turn can run up your energy bills. So give all the filters a thorough check before summer and use the nozzle of your vacuum cleaner to remove excess dust and lint.

Image supplied by Simply Energy

6. Get an energy check-up!

Of course there are many more things you can do to make your home more energy efficient. Think of switching to LED-light bulbs, for instance, or installing some smart devices. To find out where you’re using most of your energy at home, try Simply Energy’s handy online tool, the Energy Check Up. It’s simple, free to use and gives you detailed recommendations. So don’t get into a sweat this summer. You can save on your energy bills and – best of all – keep your home lovely and cool at the same time!

Did you pick up some energy efficient cooling ideas? How do you keep your home cool over the hotter months?

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