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In full bloom: Escape to a floral wonderland with art by Sam Matthews

Art can be a form of escapism. And today, prepare to be transported to a field of a thousand colourful blooms as we take you through a floral wonderland with painter, Sam Matthews.

We recently discovered this up and coming artist’s gorgeous works and it was love at first sight. Today we chat with Sam about her passion for colour and how she perfected her signature style.

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Pink and purple floral artwork by Sam Matthews
Brisbane artist Sam Matthews with collection of artworks
Artist Sam Matthews

A busy working Mum with art as a side hustle, Sam uses painting as a form of self-care and meditation.

“First and foremost, I’m a Mum to 2 lovely boys,” says Sam with a smile.

“I’m originally from Townsville in North Queensland, but relocated to Brisbane in my early 20s. My background is in graphic design, but art has always been a big part of my life.

“I was creative from a very young age. I won an art prize in Year 10 and I think that’s what really gave me the confidence to pursue a creative career.

“At university, I studied visual arts. It was amazing! I loved exploring and immersing myself in all aspects of the arts. These days, there’s so much more that requires my time!

“I currently work part-time but you can find me painting every free moment I get. Each time I sit down to paint, I get a feeling of excitement. I am an intuitive artist and no 2 paintings are the same.

I love seeing where the creative journey takes me and the escapism it provides. Painting and art are my meditation.

Red and pink artwork by Sam Matthews
Floral artwork by Sam Matthews
Red and green floral artwork by Sam Matthews

Sam dabbled in painting here and there, but it wasn’t until she got the push from friends and family that she decided to really go for it.

“I’ve always been very fortunate to be surrounded by love, encouragement and support. Starting with my parents, and now with my friends and family.

“At the start of 2021, my husband and boys surprised me by turning our dining room into a beautiful art studio. It’s in the heart of the home and having this space has been a real turning point for my art practice. I’m painting regularly now, if not daily,” says Sam.

“I started out creating smaller artworks but in the last 2 years, my pieces have increased in size. And I’ve been selling more regularly too.

“With encouragement from family and friends, I set myself some goals and began to push myself outside my comfort zone. I decided I really wanted to pursue becoming a full-time artist.

“I just keep thinking… if not now, then when?!”

Painting midway through by Sam Matthews
Artist Sam Matthews painitng
Sam Matthews painting in her dining room studio
Pastel florals by Sam Matthews

Her signature style is so clearly inspired by her love of florals, with every painting bursting with colour and blooms.

“I would describe my floral artworks as joyful. It is my intention to spread joy and happiness,” smiles Sam.

“My creative process is always evolving, but it’s pretty obvious, I am completely obsessed with flowers and nature!

“I am equally as obsessed with colour! As an intuitive artist, I like to start my artworks off with water-like layers of acrylic paint.

“I try to pick my colour palette at the start, but it often evolves as I paint. It’s part of the process of getting started. I’ll either have an image in my mind that I’d like to bring to life, or may have seen something that sparks an idea.

“Sometimes I stay true to my initial intention, but more often than not, I get lost in the creative process and something wonderful and new evolves. This is why I love to paint so much. Every one of my painting is unique and different in its own special way.”

Artist Sam Matthews hanging art on walls
Retro floral painting by Sam Matthews

With Sam’s newfound confidence and belief in herself, people are taking notice — and deservedly so.

“I have really started to pushed myself in recent years to enter more group exhibitions and art competitions. Step-by-step I’m making positive progress, and now here I am,” says Sam excitedly.

“I just finished my first solo exhibition called, ‘Floral Poetry’. It was a lot of hard work and long hours, but so worth it.

“I’ll also exhibit later this year both locally and interstate. And not only that, I was named as a finalist in the 2022 Jumbled Superstar awards. I’m really proud of all that I’ve achieved so far.

It’s the biggest compliment when someone makes a connection with my artwork. When they want to invest in a piece for their home and bring a little slice of nature inside to brighten their day… that’s what my paintings are all about.

“It mean so much to me to be able to share my paintings with my parents, and show my boys that if you work at something you can make your dreams come true.”

With exciting plans to further her art career, we can’t wait to see what’s on the (floral) horizon for Sam Matthews. To stay up to date and keep an eye on where she’s exhibiting next, be sure to follow her on Instagram.

More artist profiles here

Collection of artworks by Sam Matthews
Part of Sam’s ‘Floral Poetry’ exhibit at Wild Canary
Collection of purple floral artworks by Sam Matthews
Green and blue artwork by Sam Matthews
Up close detail of artwork by Sam Matthews
Red and pink floral artwork by Sam Matthews
Gina Beschorner Style Curator

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