Tag: Essential oils

There’s no doubt essential oils are trending in a big way. And for good reason! They certainly aren’t a fad. They’ve been used for centuries for beauty care, spiritual and physical wellbeing. And now they’re in the limelight for the benefits they can bring to the home.

As well as diffusing oils to make your home smell divine, they also form an essential ingredient in most natural cleaners. There’s a lot of information when it comes to essential oils. It can be confusing to know where to start or what oils will be most useful. So come check out Style Curator as we break down and share the top 10 essential oils you need in your home.

We let you know which ones to buy so you’re not wasting your money on oils you may not end up using. From cleaning to diffusing, we show you the best essential oils to have in your home to get the most out of them.

Reducing the number of chemicals you use around your home can only be a good thing — for our families and the environment. On the blog, we share a comprehensive list of natural and low-tox cleaning recipes. We cover every zone of the home and best of all, you can make them all yourself.

We share the best oils for cleaning with you. So get ready to make some simple swaps that will help save on your hip pocket, create a healthier home and reduce our impact on the environment.

How to make wax block air fresheners: DIY guide for long-lasting...

Want to keep your home smelling divine without constantly spraying air fresheners or burning candles? Wax block air fresheners are the perfect solution! These...

8 easy ways to make your home smell like Christmas

Christmas is nearly here! From putting up the Christmas tree to styling up your home, there are so many ways you can get your...

The 10 best essential oils for stress relief, relaxation + DIYs

Essential oils have so many uses around the home. And while we love using ours for their natural, low-tox cleaning properties, they're also perfect...

Make your own room spray: Natural DIY room sprays

Make your home smell divine without any nasty chemicals by following our simple tutorial to make your own room spray. DIY room sprays are...

Scented pinecone centrepiece: Easy festive table decorating idea

Christmas planning is well and truly in full swing. The kids and I have put up our Christmas tree, pressies are being wrapped, and...

DIY timber bead air freshener for your car

You know I'm all about finding low-tox solutions for inside the home... and now I've found one for your car too! Store bought air...

Gorgeous gifts for Mum starting from just $10: Mother’s Day gift...

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, but if you haven’t found the right gift yet, we've got you covered. We've found some gorgeous...

How to create a mindful home: 10 ways to improve mindfulness

Supported by Canberra Outlet It’s been a tricky few years, wouldn’t you agree?! Here at Style Curator, we’re all about helping you create a stylish home you...

DIY bath bombs: Make luxe bath bombs with this simple tutorial

With the cooler weather creeping in, bath season is here! Pamper yourself in style with a luxe bath bomb that's just as good as...

How to make homemade room diffusers with essential oils

You've heard me say it 100 times — smell plays such an important part in how we experience a space. And while I love...

The top 10 essential oils you need in your home

It’s hard to ignore the current trend of essential oils! But essential oils aren't a fad — they've been used for centuries for beauty...

Super easy DIY bath fizzies with no hidden nasties

It's no secret how much we love a DIY project here at Style Curator HQ! Today we're making DIY bath fizzies and it's a...

3 of the BEST natural cleaner recipes: Chemical-free cleaning

Lately I've been ditching heavy chemical-based cleaners and making my own natural cleaner products whenever possible. It's something I've wanted to do for a long...