Urban Road

Plant care and inspiration

What to grow in summer in Australia: Summer planting guide

When it comes to food, we all know that fresh is best. And there's no better feeling than eating fresh produce that you've grown,...

DIY plant trellis: Create your own stylish plant trellis in just 4 simple steps!

Take your indoor plant game to the next level with this super simple DIY plant trellis tutorial. We're always looking for new plant styling...

In the garden: Summer gardening guide

It’s not exactly our typical summer (when will it ever stop raining?!) but there's still plenty we can and should be doing in the...

Indoor plant tips: How to tailor your potting mix for your plant species

It's no secret how much we love our indoor plants. But plants can be delicate things. Something we've learned is that other than getting...

Everything you need to know about keeping a Pilea Peperomiodes alive

Without a doubt, the latest 'it' plant to take over interiors is the Pilea Peperomiodes! Yet this plant can be so fickle! Gina's lasted all...

Top 10 trending indoor plants and where to use them

There's no denying the love of indoor plants just keeps gaining momentum! Like fashion though, indoor plants also go through trends. So let's check...

Design greenery into your renovation: How to create an indoor outdoor connection

We're thrilled to have talented Interior Designer, Lauren Beattie of LO Studio, back with us today to give her advice on how we can...

The Block 2020: Week 10 — Front garden and facade reveal

If the contestants thought last week was a biggie, then nothing could prepare them for an even crazier week with the front garden and...

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