
The unique textiles and hieroglyphic patterns by Japanese artist, ito

As lovers of all things Etsy, we're constantly on the lookout for talented artists on the platform. And we're pretty sure you're going to...

The dos and don’ts of selecting the right rug

A rug is often the first thing people will notice in a room, so it’s important to make sure they are noticing it for...

Ethical, Australian made textiles from The Tartan Space

Every artist has a story. It's what makes their work so special and unique. And today's artist has quite the story to tell. Teneille...

Ethically sourced, artisanal Moroccan homewares from Beni Kesh

Beni Kesh is all about ethically sourced, luxury artisanal pieces. Moroccan homewares handmade with care and so intricate, you can literally see the workmanship. There's...

10 home decor updates to revamp your home

Supported by Papaya If there’s one thing 2020 taught us, it’s a newfound appreciate for our homes. So much more than just a place to...

How to select the right rug

Supported by Canberra Outlet Finding the perfect rug for your home can be one of the trickiest decorating decisions you’ll need to make. Too often,...

How to create a stylish, pet-friendly home

Since Hulk became the newest member of the Style Curator team, we've gone a bit pet crazy! And since it's National Pet Day, we...

Stylist-approved tips to add cosiness to open plan homes

Supported by Denman Prospect Increasingly new homes embrace open-plan design. While open-plan living suits modern lifestyles, vast open spaces can come at a cost of...

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