Tag: The Block Triple Threat

In 2015, we took you along for the ride, discovering, critiquing and showcasing each and every room reveal from The Block Triple Threat.

There’s nothing more exciting than delving into each room. Finding our favourite features, and sharing what we would have done differently.

We love sharing whether we agree with the judges and who we would have picked as the winner each week. We love knowing whether you agree with us, or did you side with the judges!

The Block Triple Threat was a fun series which saw new teams battle it out alongside one ‘all star’ team. We shared their very first room reveal which saw new teams get ripped to shreds! And Darren and Dea return as the Blockstars.

Inside their first bathrooms, there were bold moves from some teams. Think sleek black mosaic tiles to create a beautiful and bold statement that’s contemporary and feels sophisticated and luxurious.

If you’re looking for wine cellar ideas or inspiration, you’ll definitely find it from The Block Triple Threat.

You’ll see perfect scores from some of the teams with 10 out of 10 outdoor terraces. Like our favourite features including Tetris-style vertical garden, mix of outdoor tiles, and restrained styling were highlights. And another example of where we didn’t agree with the judges one week!

The Block is always a fabulous place to get kitchen inspiration with luxe features and inclusions many of us can only dream of. To get all the room reveals, heaps of photo inspiration and all our (and the judges) thoughts, be sure to check out The Block Triple Threat room reveals on Style Curator.

The Block Triple Threat: Week 10 outdoor terrace reveals

Final week of The Block is always a bit sad for us. The end is so close and we have to say goodbye to...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 9 entry and staircase

Holy moly, talk about a hellish week for all the couples! Known as the most difficult week of The Block, all couples had to...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 8 kitchen reveals

Kitchen reveals are always our favourite so we were sitting on the edge of our seats for this week's Block room reveals! Despite the judges...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 7 master bedroom and WIR room...

OK people, seriously, tell us what went on with the judging on The Block last night! Were we living in some kind of alternate...

Block Triple Threat: Week 6 ensuite room reveals

What a full-on week all the contestants had trying to finish their ensuites! Broken vanity, cracked bath (our dream bath by the way) and short...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 5 living and dining room reveals

Living and dining room reveals on The Block this week — with some brutal feedback from the judges! Some couples veered away from the architect's...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 4 cellar, laundry & powder room...

It's cellar, laundry and powder room week on The Block Triple Threat! Delivering three rooms (two of them wet areas) in one week is no...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 3 second bedroom room reveals

The contestants revealed their second bedrooms on The Block last night and there were some mixed responses from judges. We didn't agree with everything...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 2 bathroom room reveals

It's week 2 of The Block Triple Threat and we just saw the bathroom room reveals! Wowee, weren't there some highs and awkward lows?! We...

The Block Triple Threat: Week 1 first bedroom room reveals

The Block Triple Threat has officially started and Week 1 is bedroom room reveals. The judges had a difficult job, needing to decide: 1. Which of...