Kmart hack: Marble and crystal jewellery dish DIY

Our obsession for crystals is at an all-time high! One DIY we’ve been wanting to make for a while now is a crystal jewellery dish — a beautiful piece to have on our bedside table to hold jewellery and generate positive vibes in the space.

On a recent trip to Kmart, we found their jewellery tree with marble base for just $7. The gold tree part felt a bit cheap though (and dangerous with young children around) so we unscrewed it to just used the marble base to create this luxe Kmart hack.

Keep reading to find out how easy it is to make your own.

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Kmart hack

Items you will need:

  • Jewellery tree with marble base from Kmart
  • Selection of crystal points (you can buy these on Etsy)
  • T-Rex glue or other super glue suitable for stones (at first we used a glue gun but it didn’t hold)
  • Paddle sticks
  • Paper towel


1. Unscrew the gold metal tree from the marble base and use a small amount of T-Rex to glue a crystal point over the hole.

2. Begin gluing crystal points around the rim of the marble dish. We think these look best when a bit irregular — pointing in different directions and some being more upright and others on a lower angle.

3. Use paddle sticks to clean away excess glue as you go. It’s a good idea to place items around the dish to help hold the crystals in place while they dry.

4. Once dry, check that all the crystals are secure (you may need to add a few more spots of glue here or there) and check that there is no excess glue that’s visible and should be removed.

Ta da! Your luxe marble and crystal jewellery dish is done!

You could use any kind of crystal points to create this DIY, for example rose quartz is a lovely light pink colour and is said to help generate romantic vibes, or amethyst points are a pretty purple that are protective and purifying.

Check out more DIYs

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