Interviewing and discovering the extraordinary talents of an Australian artist is a passion of ours at Style Curator. From uncovering new, up and coming emerging artists to chatting to established icons of the Australian art scene. We love nothing more than bringing interesting and exciting interviews with talented, artistic Australians.
There is so much raw talent in the Australian art scene. We bring you spectacular creations from Australian artists each and every week. It truly is something that brings us great joy here at Style Curator. The diversity of all the Australian artist we uncover is like nothing else.
We chat to artists from across the country. To find out what inspires their art, their colour palettes and the stories behind their creations. We hear the joy in their art, their passion in their creations and why their art is so important to them.
Hear from artists who have a passion for illustration. Those who are amazingly talented painters. Some are craftsmen and women who hand make stunning pieces of handmade furniture and homewares. From woven wall hangings to large sculptural wall art. At Style Curator, you will also discover Graffiti art, modern art and abstract art. Aboriginal art, wall art and lots of fun DIY art. There’s illustration art, embroidery and upholstery. As well as landscape art, ceramic art plus so much more. Take your pick because we interview them all.
Discover their passion and unique form as we chat to artists from across the country. There’s so much diversity in their style and creations that there is guaranteed to be something for every style and art taste. The array of talented artists we speak interview gives our readers so much to learn and discover about each and every Australian artist.