Tag: Healthy home

Something that’s becoming quite important to us here at Style Curator, is creating a healthy home. Whether that be reducing our carbon footprint, choosing smaller more sustainable brands where possible, or cleaning without the use of chemicals. If you’re looking for ways to create a healthy home with simple, easy ideas, check out Style Curator.

We share uses for essential oils. From do it yourself cleaning products to diffusing to create a beautiful smelling home. We chat about creating a more mindful home so that YOU enjoy living there. Self-care is not selfish, and if your mind is healthy, it’s better for everyone around you.

There’s super simple cleaning hacks. Like, how to deep clean a cutting board naturally. How to make a natural, chemical-free weed killer using just 3 ingredients you probably already have around the home.

We share product reviews of products we love. Devices that will help you achieve a healthier home but that are still stylish and aesthetically pleasing.

There’s handy articles jam packed full of helpful information. Like how to clean grout. And how to ventilate a bathroom with solutions for a healthy, smart and functional bathroom.

We bring you articles about easy ways you can reduce the amount of plastic you use in your home. There’s outdoor articles on how to start a compost to reduce the amount of rubbish and waste you produce.

For plenty of articles and ideas on how to create a healthy home, let Style Curator be your one stop shop.

How to clean grout — 6 of the most effective grout...

Cleaning grout is one of the most tedious cleaning tasks in the home so we've searched high and low to bring you the most...

The 10 best essential oils for stress relief, relaxation + DIYs

Essential oils have so many uses around the home. And while we love using ours for their natural, low-tox cleaning properties, they're also perfect...

Make your own room spray: Natural DIY room sprays

Make your home smell divine without any nasty chemicals by following our simple tutorial to make your own room spray. DIY room sprays are...

How to make a natural weed killer with just 3 household...

All this rain lately has been great for the garden... but how about the weed situation?! 🤯 I don't know about you, but...

Get your home ready for spring: 50 quick cleaning + styling...

Spring is our favourite time of year! An opportunity to shake away the chill of winter, thoroughly clean our homes and inject some new...

How to make compost: A composting guide for beginners

Ever thought about starting a compost for your garden but just keep putting it off? Well, we're here to help you get started with...

11 easy ways to reduce plastic around the home

For a while now, we've been researching and taking small steps to find easy ways to reduce plastic around the home. In the spirit...

House plants safe to have around pets (and which ones to...

We love our pets. We also love our plants! But pets and plants don't always mesh well — in fact, some plants can be...

Best essential oils for cleaning and our top home cleaning HACKS

Reducing the number of chemicals you use around your home can only be a good thing — for our families and the environment. Today...

How to create a mindful home: 10 ways to improve mindfulness

Supported by Canberra Outlet It’s been a tricky few years, wouldn’t you agree?! Here at Style Curator, we’re all about helping you create a stylish home you...

How to deep clean a cutting board… naturally!

We use our kitchen cutting boards every day. And yes of course, we wash them daily too! But just like other areas of the...

Product review: briiv air filter — creating a healthy home

Supported by briiv As we’re (still!) spending more time at home than ever before, we’re becoming acutely aware how important it is to create a...

How to ventilate a bathroom

Supported by Expella Bathroom ventilation is not the most glamorous part of a renovation, but it is important to prevent moisture build up, which can...

The top 10 essential oils you need in your home

It’s hard to ignore the current trend of essential oils! But essential oils aren't a fad — they've been used for centuries for beauty...

DIY wool wash recipe: Make your own wool wash at home

Winter is here and so it's that time of year to be using more blankets and throws around the home (and be wearing more...

A suburban, eco-friendly home big on both design and sustainability

Rich in contrasting materials and innovative design, today's home tour is a bit of a stunner. But design alone is not what makes this...

How to deep clean your home yourself, including your sofa and...

Supported by Britex It’s been a crazy start to 2020 and not in a good way! Where I live in Canberra, we had hazardous smoke...

14 ways to make your bedroom healthier

Supported by TEMPUR Here at Style Curator we talk a lot about styling and how to make spaces in your home look more beautiful —...