Often it’s the thoughtful, handmade gifts that make the best presents. From DIY herbarium to bath bombs, you’ll find an easy and stylish DIY to gift to that special someone.

We also scour the internet to bring you the best round ups of other DIY gift ideas, such as the best ever concrete projects, felt projects or DIYs using rope.

Most popular Gift Ideas DIYs articles!

Valentine’s Day is a special day and it is a time to treat your loved ones! Nothing is more thoughtful than a handmade gift that comes from the heart. We have a step-by-step guide on creating super cute DIY mini Valentine bath bombs. 

If you are wanting to pamper your pooch or you know someone who is a pet-lover we have the perfect article for you! We’ve compiled a list of the best DIY projects for dogs. So many fun projects to do for instance, creating a personalised pet bowl. Or a DIY dog soap, toy storage box, classic dog kennel, pet stairs and so much more!

If you’re wondering what gift to give to a plant-mum or plant-lover then create a handmade woven planter cosy! We have a tutorial on how to make a super cute DIY woven planter cosy that will instantly brighten up a space. Get creative with different colours of yarn!

Request a Gift Ideas DIYs article

If you’re crafty and would like to share one of your DIY gift ideas on Style Curator, send us an email at

To keep up to date with all our latest DIYs, be sure to subscribe to our free weekly e-newsletter where we share all the best bits from the blog, plus exclusives.

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